Super Foods

'Organic, raw and super foods are the manna that help charge our light energy the most.  Eating the colours of the rainbow helps to feed our chakras rather than our stomachs and greed.  We don’t need to eat a lot, just need to eat wisely and fuel our bodies properly.  We wouldn’t dream of putting diesel into our unleaded cars or vice versa because we are aware of the consequences – yet we are encouraged to save our money or ‘indulge’ ourselves or our wallets to fuel the most precious engines we will ever own in this life-time with substandard, dead energy foods.
We truly ARE what we eat.
If we keep it organic, local, seasonal, fully charged, pure, and fresh we are not only soothed and nourished but our hearts become lifted and free us to step onto the path of right brained genius-like co-creation.Locally grown foods vibrate with the energy of the area we live in and help our energy to charge at the optimum and vibrate in tune.
Man-made plastic has no chance of resonating light and harmonious vibration, but hand crafted pure crystal can sing with pure vibrations and reflects pure light into rainbows.

When we exist on reheated, tinned, junk or over ripe and processed foods, and live lives tainted with negative energy states, we become like a plastic version of our true selves.  We starve our own lives and wisdom and become mutants higher selves, degenerating quickly and losing any chance of attaining our true powers.'  Excerpt from 'Light'


Avocados contains all 18 essential amino acids and omega-3, high in B vitamins and protein they also contain vitamins C, E and K.  High in fiber and with 60% more potassium than bananas, they boost blood serum levels and block the absorbance of bad fats, reduce cholesterol/cellulite, are antibacterial, aid eyesight, reduce the chance of stroke/heart disease and offer powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. Avocadoes' guard against inflammation and can help and prevent osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.  Creamy and green avocados aren’t just incredibly good for you – they are great for the heart chakra too.
Beetroot is high in fibre, B vitamins and folate; it also includes calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, and betaine.  The cheap and humble beetroot assists our bodies in fighting disease, guards against cancer and osteoporosis, protects cardiovascular health, protects against liver disease, protein deficiency, diabetes, and assists in lowering blood pressure! (500ml of beetroot juice leads to reduction in blood pressure in one hour, getting lower for up to four hours and is still measurable in our systems after twelve hours). This potent blend of reds and purples creates a nice link between the upper and lower chakras.

Black Pepper contains manganese, iron, copper, fibre and vitamin K and is a little powerhouse that boosts metabolism, improves digestion, and alleviates constipation.  It is aphrodisiac, helps our bodies to burn fat, alleviates loss of appetite, is diuretic, antibacterial, anti-oxidant and includes the magic ingredient peperine which boost the benefits of any other nutrients taken with it! Ranging between amber and green black pepper is good for raising your central energies.

Blueberries contain vitamins A, C and K, manganese and fibre.  They powerfully neutralise free radicals within the collagen matrix making it great for anti-aging.  They protect from stress, are antidepressant, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and improve our memory function.  They also protect our hearts and inhibit the spread of cancer whilst protecting us against diabetes!  The riper the better, frozen blueberries are great for fruit salads and ice cream – they taste fantastic as mini ice-pops just on their own too. Being beautifully blue and purple they raise a lovely energy in the upper chakras.

Buckwheat is technically a fruit not a grain.  It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. magnesium, fibre – most nutritious when sprouting, this baby makes a lovely waffle and can be used instead of wheat in many recipes.  Indulge in buckwheat waffles or pancakes for breakfast topped with local honey, maple syrup and a dollop of Greek yoghurt you’ll be getting a nutritional powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and prebiotic’s you can have as much as you like of!

Cayenne has at least 26 different nutrients, including vitamins A & C, Zinc, Selenium, Calcium, Magnesium, and both fibre and carbohydrate.  It is a stimulating, fat burning aphrodisiac that is able to stop a heart attack in its tracks – 1tsp in water is all it takes! It also enhances the effectiveness of any other foods/herbs it is taken with due to the fact that it causes enhanced digestion and absorption.

Cinnamon is loaded with nutrients:  among them iron, manganese, calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and approximately one gram of fibre.  Cinnamon is strongly anti-inflammatory and protects against heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.  It helps clear yeast infections, lowers blood sugar and increases insulin, it is anti-cancerous, anti-bacterial and improves brain function and memory and helps the lower chakras to sing – so sprinkle a little cinnamon! 

Dark Chocolate is good source of iron, copper and manganese and low in cholesterol and sodium, dark chocolate (over 70% cacao) boosts happy hormones, improves blood flow, increases brain function and boosts memory, enhances glucose metabolism, reduces risk of colon cancer, cardiac arrest and strokes, hydrates and smooths skin.  It even eases coughs.  It has now been proven 1oz of dark chocolate a day is good for you!

Figs are very high in calcium and fibre (2g per fig),  they also contain vitamins A,B,C, and K, folic acid, sodium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper and manganese.  Figs are anti-diabetic; regulate blood pressure and their leaves can help to heal ulcers and bronchitis. Greens, purples and reds, a lovely blend of crown, heart and root chakras.
Flax Seeds are high in Omega 3 and B vitamins, flax seed also contains manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.  Their anti-inflammatory action helps lower the risk of blood pressure, coronary artery disease, strokes and breast, colon and prostate cancers, as well as speeding up cell metabolism to help us heal. They protect our bodies from radiation, and have even been shown to speed up healing after radiation.  An all-round good guy – 2 tablespoons a day recommended in today’s technological environment.

Green Tea contains vitamins A,B, B5, C, D,E H and K, it is also a great source of manganese and includes chromium, selenium and zinc and a component called EGCG epigallocatechin-3-gallate) which is a powerful antioxidant that is stronger than both vitamins C and E. It greatly reduces the chance of many cancers, boosts metabolism, burns fat, protects the heart muscle, improves bone density and generally promotes graceful aging.

Horseradish contains vitamins A, C and high amount of folate as well as the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese and selenium.  This small radish is an amazing powerhouse that supports the circulatory and digestive systems, the colon, lungs, and gall bladder, and maintains collagen, fights cancer and kills bacteria.

Miso is a complete low calorie protein (25cal per 2g), it contains vitamin B12, zinc, is loaded with micronutrients and contains all of the essential amino acids.  It is effective in detoxifying and eliminating elements taken into the body through industrial pollution, radioactivity and artificial chemicals in the soil and food and boosts the immune system.

Oregano is a superstar antioxidant, it contains vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, and folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, sodium and is low in cholesterol and a very good source of dietary fibre (1/2 tsp = whole spinach salad!)  Oregano is great with colds, it is expectorant and decongestant, aids digestion and is an antioxidant 43x stronger antioxidant than apples! Oregano is an anti-aging angel that helps your heart sing.

Pomegranate are high in vitamin C, they also contain vitamins A, E, fiber, iron, potassium, calcium and folic acid.  They are estimated to have up to 7 times the antioxidant properties of green tea. Pomegranates increase the flood flow to the heart, reduce blood pressure and thin the blood.  They are also very good for the digestive system, reducing bad cholesterol while boosting good cholesterol which helps the body to get rid of unhealthy fats and reduces the plaque in the arteries.  Good for sore throats and coughs, great for the skin, they ease arthritis, protect against prostate and skin cancers and diabetes – they have even been used to expel tape worms! Pomegranates resonate well with the higher chakras.

Quinoa is a seed from the spinach family.  It is a complete protein, and contains all 9 essential amino acids; it is also high in fibre and contains vitamins A, B and E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron copper, manganese and zinc.  It is one of the most complete foods in nature; it’s easily digested and ensures a good absorption of the nutrients it contains.  A prebiotic that feeds our friendly bacteria and as such aids the bodies healing functions.  It has been shown to protect and help to reduce arteriosclerosis, breast cancers and diabetes.  Our sacral chakra’s love Quinoa!

Red Cabbage contains vitamins B6, C and K , manganese and potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, calcium, iron, and magnesium  and is very high in anthocyanins.  It is low in fat, beautifully nourishes our eyes and skin and slows the rate of aging.  It is a strong antioxidant that boosts the immune system, cleanses toxins, prevents osteoporosis, cancers and heart problems and helps to heal ulcers.  It stimulates brain function and has been proven to protect against Alzheimer’s.  Red is definitely better than white and really being purple in colour it is beneficial to the brow and crown chakras.

Salmon is high in Omega 3, vitamin A, B, D, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.  It supports healthy joint cartilage, reduces inflammation, improves brain function, boosts cardiovascular health, protects against cancers, and maintains the balance of collagen and minerals in the body boosting the health of the skin, hair and eyes.  Alaskan tinned salmon is as good as fresh salmon and king salmon, sockeye and coho have the highest nutrients.

Sardines are high in vitamin D and calcium (3oz = a glass of milk), B12, D, selenium, phosphorus, and are high in Omega 3s, and one of the few foods that contain Coenzyme Q10.  Ounce for ounce they provide more protein than steak, more iron than spinach and more potassium than bananas! They protect against cardiovascular diseases and heart failure and are great for memory, joints and skin and energy levels.

Seaweed has a huge omega 3 content, contains vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus and riboflavin.  It is a strong immune boosting antioxidant that eases inflammation, protects against cancers and aging while regulating blood sugars. 

Spelt is an excellent source of vitamin B2, copper, niacin, manganese and thiamine.  It is a good alternative for wheat that has higher nutritional value.  It is good for migraines, arthrosclerosis, preventing gallstones, reducing bloodpressure and cholesterol in post menopausal women and has been found to protect against breast cancer.  Not only that but it is far easier to digest than wheat so it reduces stomach bloating.

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E, K, calcium, copper, folate, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, niacin, potassium, selenium and zinc. It is a very good source of dietary fibre, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.  Protects against skin cancer, eye diseases and vision loss; it’s good for brain function; guards against colon, prostate, and breast cancers;  protects against heart disease, stroke, and dementia; lowers blood pressure; and it is also  anti-inflammatory and great for bone health.

Spring Onions are especially high in Vitamins A, B2, C and K, they also contain copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chromium, manganese and fibre.  They reduce cholesterol, protect against coronary heart disease, help to reduce and control blood pressure, boost blood circulation and glucose tolerance.   They are anti-inflammatory and ease both arthritis and asthma.  Spring onions also help to regulate our metabolisms, aiding in the absorption of macronutrients, which in turn protects us from the risk of colon cancers.  Great for the skin and eyes, they help to reduce wrinkles and being green they are great for our heart chakras.  Spring onions are far easier to digest than normal onions.

Sweet Potato or yam, contains vitamins A, C, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium and potassium. They stabilize blood sugar and contain glutathione an antioxidant that enhances nutrient metabolism and boosts immune health.  They protect us from Alzheimer’s, and are anti-cancer and good for the heart and eyes – not bad for a potato!

Turmeric contains vitamin B6, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc, and magnesium. It also contains cucumin which is a strong anti-inflammatory and protects against and aids in fighting arthritis, cancer and Alzheimer’s, colitis and Crohn’s.  It is an excellent wound healing digestive aid that has been shown to benefit IBS and stomach ulcers. It protects against liver and heart disease and relieves chest and period pains and angina, stimulates the gallbladder and circulatory systems, reduces cholesterol, dissolves blood clots.  This lovely yellow powerhouse also feeds our sacral chakras.

Walnuts contain vitamins B, C, E and K, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc and 1oz contains the RDA of Omega 3.  Walnuts lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, protect against inflammation of the arteries and improve their function, they slow cancer growth and protect against prostate cancer, prevent gallstones and increase sperm strength, they help protect the brain against cognitive decline common with aging, aid insomnia and are good for your heart and skin!  Eat a few each day if possible.

Yoghurt contains vitamins A, B, E, calcium, chloride, iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc.  It is a powerful probiotic that helps the body to process and metabolize foods and fats.  It boosts the immune system, protects against bowel disease and IBS and can help ease diarrhoea.  Many people who are lactose intolerance can often still eat plain yoghurt as the lactose is broken down in a different way.

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